They say you'll know when it happens,
you'll feel it in your gut, your insides
will churn and your breath will catch
in your chest and your heart will go
aflutter with this, that and whatnot.
That your eyes will look beyond all,
through untransparents and into the
undecided, unsure, unpredictable and
unprepared for unknowns and yet
they will not blink of any doubt,
only seeing the light of hope and faith.
Faith, you'll surprisingly discover that
you never knew or believed you had.
You might not have been selfish but
you might never have seen or thought
yourself to ever be selfless, caring
for yourself only the second most.
That your greatest fear will no longer
be the loss of life, but the loss of
this warm luminous flame within
which continually strengthens this bond
which is now the new definition of,
Your life. That's when they say-
You my friend, are in love.
you'll feel it in your gut, your insides
will churn and your breath will catch
in your chest and your heart will go
aflutter with this, that and whatnot.
That your eyes will look beyond all,
through untransparents and into the
undecided, unsure, unpredictable and
unprepared for unknowns and yet
they will not blink of any doubt,
only seeing the light of hope and faith.
Faith, you'll surprisingly discover that
you never knew or believed you had.
You might not have been selfish but
you might never have seen or thought
yourself to ever be selfless, caring
for yourself only the second most.
That your greatest fear will no longer
be the loss of life, but the loss of
this warm luminous flame within
which continually strengthens this bond
which is now the new definition of,
Your life. That's when they say-
You my friend, are in love.