Tuesday 18 October 2016

Woman with Broken Wings....

The wish to be free of all hurt and pains
all social ties and those raping stares.
The wish to break all sexist reigns
all biased laws and them rusting snares.

The wish to be given an equal regard
treated with dignity and respect deserved
The wish to have a fearless heart
with simplicity and light that's always loved.

The wish to feel a streaming breeze
on my face and through my hair.
The wish to fly with unbound ease
across the sky and through the air.

O World O World!
Can I really wish all these things?

Why, I am
A Woman with Broken Wings....
O Why am I
A Woman with Broken Wings....

I wrote this a few years back, inspired, after watching a beautiful performance by pianist Elizabeth Sombart and danseuse Mallika Sarabhai. The performance is meant to help raise global consciousness about the crimes committed onto women by other human beings. You can watch the whole performance here-
