Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Just a Tree...

Not too old, but grizzled
Not too young, but etched
It still stands where it has
Stood since memory began

Roots are growing deeper,
But why?
Branches spreading wide,
But why?
Leaves sprout green and shiny,
But why?
There are blossoms and fruit too.
But why?

Why, it's a tree.
It can't be any different.
It can't not take root,
Nor can it not branch or leaf 
Or blossom or fruit.

It is 
Leaned on,
Climbed on,
Marked on,
Rested on,
Perched on,
Nested on,
Eaten on,
Lived on,
Swung on,
Lied down under,
Blown over,
Sunned upon,
Rained upon,
Grown upon,
Burrowed into,
Broken from,
Taken from,
Jumped off from,
Flown away from.

It loves all.
Possesses none.
It's sometimes sad,
Melancholic even.

But Why?

It's a tree.
Just a tree.

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