Sitting cross legged,
A sunny spring day,
The breeze fragrant
With the forest and seas,
On that pebbly riverbed,
Fringed with wizened old
Oaks and sycamores,
Waves with the memories
Of their high icy womb,
Gently lapping around
My numb, tired wheezing chest.
The little fish nibble my naked skin,
But no longer tickle.
My tired sleepless eyes close,
But don't sleep;
I no longer hear anything,
But one sound;
My mind’s void of all thoughts,
But for one;
My heart still beats within,
But no longer for me.
I only have to lie down,
Let the river lull me and
Take me within its emerald folds
To the realm of eternal sleep.
A sleep, timeless and dreamless ,
But for one unfading dream-
A dainty little smile,
A husky honeydew voice,
A tight warm embrace,
A reviving passionate kiss,
All of which never were,
Yet, were always there,
Of You.
My only ever, You.
A sunny spring day,
The breeze fragrant
With the forest and seas,
On that pebbly riverbed,
Fringed with wizened old
Oaks and sycamores,
Waves with the memories
Of their high icy womb,
Gently lapping around
My numb, tired wheezing chest.
The little fish nibble my naked skin,
But no longer tickle.
My tired sleepless eyes close,
But don't sleep;
I no longer hear anything,
But one sound;
My mind’s void of all thoughts,
But for one;
My heart still beats within,
But no longer for me.
I only have to lie down,
Let the river lull me and
Take me within its emerald folds
To the realm of eternal sleep.
A sleep, timeless and dreamless ,
But for one unfading dream-
A dainty little smile,
A husky honeydew voice,
A tight warm embrace,
A reviving passionate kiss,
All of which never were,
Yet, were always there,
Of You.
My only ever, You.
So pure, as one would picture love, before times corrupted it. Or perhaps just made it more challenging. But you seem to have crossed the barriers of difficulty and managed to let the claws of love scratch your heart in the best and the worst ways. I suppose not all of us get the opportunity to experience this facet of life so deeply, so truly, so purely. That's one up you've got on many of us! Cheers!